Monarch of the Moon (2005) Dark Horse Indie, Image Entertainment

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America calls on its greatest superhero, the Yellow Jacket, to defeat Japan’s deadliest superagent, the Dragonfly, whose organization, Axis, has made an unholy alliance with the sinister Monarch of the Moon. The Monarch’s secret intent is to invade Earth and strip it of all its natural resources. America’s greatest hero is the only thing that stands between the Monarch and his treacherous goal.

Directed by:
Richard Lowry (as Rico Lowry)

Jeff Hardwick, Christian Moore, John Nasby, Chris Patton, Trevor Wright

Executive Producer:
Mike Richardson

Writing Credits:
Richard Lowry, Chris Patton

Blane Wheatley: Cal/Yellow Jacket
Monica Himmelheber: Sally/Maxine
Brent Moss: Benny
Kimberly Page: Dragonfly
Will Macmillan: Col. Slate
Penny Drake: Sabula